A large rainbow-patterned turtle installation has arrived at Midtown Tampa

a large turtle sculpture on a green field with a large holiday tree in the background

A massive turtle installation has arrived at Midtown Tampa. The rainbow pattered animal can be seen at the center of the Midtown Tampa development, where holiday decor has also begun to pop up.

The large-scale sculpture installation commissioned from internationally acclaimed Okuda San Miguel reflects Tampa and the surrounding environment.The animal world is represented by the birth of a sea turtle, a natural event characteristic of the Florida west coast, in which this balance between nature and civilization is achieved. Still being the place chosen by this animal to perpetuate its species every year.


An installation to reflect the environment at Midtown Tampa

The turtle is born among vegetation, represented by trees, and also among civilization, represented by a building surrounded by colorful characters, known as “soulkeepers” who in the artist’s imagination represent the protection we all need to live and develop in freedom.

This isn’t the only happening in Midtown.

On December 4, they’ll kick off the holidays officially in the area.

Visitors can enjoy live music with Shevonne and the Force, food and drinks from Midtown restaurants, and fun photo ops. Free parking is available in the Waterview Garage for attendees.

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