5 Free Things To Do This Week (05.14-20.18)

Fitness Classes in the Park: VKNG DRIP
Monday, May 14 beginning 6p.m. VKNG DRIP is a fun high energy circuit class that infuses one of the best cardio movements out there, dance. Up your game in this dance-based functional and strength training class which combines easy to follow moves and circuit exercise. It’s a total body dance-based workout designed to tone your bod from head to toe!
Curtis Hixon Waterfront Park, 600 N Ashley Dr

Pints & Pixels Gaming Night
Monday, May 14 beginning 7p.m. Love retro & indie video games from the 80s, 90s & today? Head to Brew Bus Brewing for Pints & Pixels Gaming Night, it’s free to play!
Brew Bus Brewing, 4101 N Florida Ave


Downtown Tampa Walking Tours
Friday, May 18 from 12-1p.m. Tampa’s downtown walking tours combines fitness with culture and community. Get some exercise while taking in the views Tampa has to offer!
William F. Poe Plaza, One Tampa City Center
2018 NCAA DII Women’s Lacrosse Championship
Friday and Saturday, May 18 beginning 11a.m. and May 19 beginning 12p.m. Calling all Lacrosse fans! Come watch the NCAA Division II Women’s Lacrosse Championship at the Naimoli Family Athletic and Intramural Complex on the campus of the University of Tampa.
1120 W. North A Street
Yoga In The Park
Sunday, May 20 beginning 6p.m. In operation since 2010 and brought to you by the Tampa Downtown Partnership, Yoga in the Park is led by an instructor from Yoga Downtown Tampa. Come and fill the terraces of Curtis Hixon Waterfront Park for the free yoga class.
600 N. Ashley Dr.
Header image by @tampasunsets


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