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The Production Crew illuminates Tampa City Hall

Gestures both small and large continue to shine a light in these dark times. Major buildings and venues in the City of Tampa have lit up in blue to show their respect and appreciation for the healthcare providers, essential workers, and first responders working tirelessly to keep us safe and healthy. On April 21, The Production Crew video mapped city hall with messages of hope and encouragement.

The beautiful show featured the message “Tampa, Stay Home, Save Lives” in addition to scenes from the city itself.


Residents are encouraged to share messages of love and appreciation with the hashtags #HappyatHomeTPA #BeTheLight and #OneTampa.

Busch Gardens recently lit up its roller coaster in brilliant blue. The Tampa Theatre’s iconic sign shines blue as well. There’s no denying times are tough right now, but these glimmers of hope remind us there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

Remember to stay safe, stay home, be kind to one another and we will all get through this.


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