City of Tampa adds ADA beach mats to Ben T. Davis Beach

Photos of a small beach in Tampa, Florida.

Everyone in the city of Tampa should be able to enjoy our wonderful parks and beaches. On January 7, Mayor Jane Castor, along with Tampa Parks and Recreation, unveiled new ADA mats at Ben T Davis Beach.

“In Tampa, we believe all of our residents should be able to enjoy our beautiful parks and beaches,” says Mayor Jane Castor, “These ADA improvements at Ben T. Davis will make the beach more accessible, allowing residents to enjoy one of the best things about living in Florida.”


These mats will also be added to Cypress Point Park and Picnic Park in the coming months.

In total, the city of Tampa will spend $250,000 on ADA improvements. The mats at Ben T. Davis were made possible through a $25,000 grant through the HomeServe Cares Foundation.

Ben T. Davis Beach is a narrow stretch of shoreline featuring picturesque views, boat ramps, and park amenities at 7740 W Courtney Campbell Causeway. The beach is open from sunrise to sunset.

Where else would you like to see ADA improvements in Tampa?


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